Hot Stone Massage

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Hot Stone Massage in Koramangala

Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massage involves the use of polished hot rocks (130 to 145 degrees) derived from basalt and which withstand high temperatures for long periods of time. Massage therapists often place these stones around your spine, belly, chest, face, hands, and feet during the therapy.

1. Pain relief
The heated stones enlarge blood vessels, leading to improved blood circulation. This treatment can also be ideal if you are struggling with lower back discomfort or achy joints.

2. Muscle relaxation
The gentle touches of these heated stones are relaxing and make you feel as if you were getting a friendly hug in a secure environment. The heat loosens your muscle knots, which trigger spasms when put in particular spots.

3. Stress relief and improved circulation
As these stones pass over your muscles, they cause vasodilation. As a result, blood circulates more easily throughout your system, improving circulation. Sufficient oxygen enters your tissues as circulation increases, which helps to ease discomfort.

4. Sleep enhancement
Hot stone massages significantly minimize pain or worrisome thoughts. You ease, become less stiff, and are better prepared for further routine periods of peaceful sleep.

5. Increases immunity
Improved blood circulation means more white blood cells, essential in the battle against illnesses. Furthermore, the reduced anxiety levels and quality sleep brought about by this form of massage strengthen your immune system.

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